اقوى منتج تخسيس في مصر طبيعي مية في المية

اسرع منتج تخسيس في مصر اضغط الصورة و جرب مجانا

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

الأمير والحطّاب

كان في خدمة أحد الأمراء رجل حطّاب وكان في أثناء عمله المُضني يلعن آدم وحواء، سبب شقائه وتعبه، وهو يقول: لو كنت أنا وامرأتي مكانهما لما خالفت وصية الله السهلة، لما كنت سبب شقاء الجنس البشري. فسمعه الأمير يوماً، فقال له: سأعاملك أنت وامرأتك كما أعامل الأمراء، فتسكنان قصري، وتنعُمان بهناء صاف. إلا أني قبل أن أثبتكما في سعادتكما، سأمتحنكما امتحاناً بسيطاً، فإن تغلّبتُما على التجربة عشتما في غِبطة ورغْدِ عيش طيلة حياتكما.
فَقبل الحطاب فرحاً وأتى بامرأته وسكنا القصر الفخم. راح الخدم يعتنون بهما كل العناية، فشعرا بسـعادة لا توصف. يوماً من الأيام قَدَّم لهما الخدم مآكل شهية وبينها طبق مغطى وضعوه على المائدة وقالوا لهما: يسمح لكما الأمير بأن تأكلا من جميع الأطعمة إلاّ مما في هذا الطبق. وإذا ما كشفتما عنه طردكما من قصره، وانطلقوا. بقي الزوجان يحدقان إليه. واشتدت الفضولية عند المرأة، فقالت لزوجها: ألا نرفع الغطاء لنرى ما فيه؟ وبعد إلحاح، قبل طلبها. ورفعت المرأة الغطاء فطار منه عصفور صغير وصرخت بأعلى صوتها لشدّة اندهاشها وفزعها.
وإذا الأمير يُقبِل وينزع عنهما زينتهما ويطردهما من قصره

Impossible Field ( Amazing Adidas AD )( Must Watch )

I can't hear you !

Charlie was responsible for taking up the offerings at a local church.

One Sunday, after the service, the priest counted the money and found there was less than anticipated, given the size of the congregation.

He took Charlie aside and questioned him.

Charlie said that he did not take any of the offerings.

The priest questioned him again and again and Charlie continued to insist that he did not take any of the offerings.

So, the priest told Charlie to get into the confessional, which he did.

The priest then asked him again, "Charlie, did you take any of the offering?" This time, Charlie replied, "I can't hear you."

The priest asked Charlie the same question several times and Charlie would always reply, "I can't hear you."

Finally, the priest yelled, "CHARLIE, DID YOU TAKE ANY OF THE OFFERING?"

Again, the reply was, "I can't hear you."

The priest was now beginning to get angry, so he came out of the confessional and said to Charlie, "Trade places with me and you can ask me a question."

So, they traded places and Charlie asked, "Is it true that you and my wife are having an affair?"

To which the priest replied, "By golly, you're right, you can't hear in here


Few More Jokes 4U : (1) Here comes the mallu. (2) Real Cowboy (3) Jealous Husband (4) ULTIMATE MACHINE

Elderly Shoplifter

Clever Girls

Few More Jokes 4U: (1) Another Option (2) Aam hai kya ? (3) Wedding Rehearsal (4) Time Please

Sardar and ducks

A sardar went hunting one day in Ontario and bagged three ducks.

He put them in the bed of his pickup truck and was about to drive home when he was confronted by an honorary game warden who didn't like sardars.

The game warden ordered the sardar to show his hunting license, and the sardar pulled out a valid Ontario hunting license.

The game warden looked at the license, then reached over and picked up one of the ducks, sniffed its butt, and said, "This duck ain't from Ontario. This is a Quebec duck. You got a Quebec huntin' license, boy?"

The sardar reached into his wallet and produced a Quebec hunting license.

The game warden looked at it, then reached over and grabbed the second duck, sniffed its butt, and said "This ain't no Quebec duck. This duck's from Manitoba. You got a Manitoba license?"

The sardar reached into his wallet and produced a Manitoba hunting license.

The warden then reached over and picked up the third duck, sniffed its butt, and said, "This ain't no Manitoba duck. This here duck's from Nova Scotia. You got a Nova Scotia huntin' license?"

Again the sardar reached into his wallet and brought out a Nova Scotia hunting license.

The game warden was extremely frustrated at this point, and he yelled at the sardar "Just where the hell are you from?"

The sardar smiled turned around, bent over, dropped his pants, and said, "You tell me, you're the expert


Few More Jokes 4U : (1) Confession (2) Honesty is the best policy.... (3) Girlfriend (4) Mom Test

World's longest inverted roller coaster

The world's longest inverted roller coaster will start running during China's upcoming Spring Festival in an amusement park in this capital city of south China's Guangdong Province, offering the thrilling fun of falling 80 meters, the park said Tuesday.

Xiong Xiaojie, assistant to the president of the Chimelong Paradise, told Xinhua on Tuesday that the one-km-long roller coaster, designed by Switzerland-based Bolliger and Mabillard for the park, will be safety tested on Jan. 28, and has a planned debut in China's most important festival, the Spring Festival, which falls on Feb. 7 this year.

The 200 million-yuan (27 million U.S. dollars) roller coaster is one of the world's most expensive and the first of its kind introduced to China's mainland. It would offer fun-seekers an experience of a vertical drop of 80 meters, as high as a 30-story building," said Xiong.Bolliger and Mabillard invented the world's first inverted roller coaster in 1992. Since then, it has designed 71 roller coasters for theme parks around the world. The roller coasterit designed for Chimelong Paradise has three carriages capable of carrying 30 people at a time. Its highest speed is 120 km per hour.The Chimelong Paradise opened in Guangzhou in April, 2006, and has become one of the must-go tourist attractions in the city, for its sophisticated amusements.The privately-owned park, built for 1 billion yuan, covers 66 hectares, and can handle 50,000 tourists a day.
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Difference between a Freind and Egyptian Freind

Difference between a friend and an egyptian friend!

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Always bring the food.

FRIENDS: Will say 'hello.'
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents: Uncle/Dad and Aunt/Mum.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Will spend hours there, talking, laughing and just being together.

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' ass that left you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, 'I'm home!'

FRIENDS: Are for a while.

FRIENDS: Will ignore this email.
EGYPTIAN FRIENDS: Will forward it.


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